La guerre des affiches
'A war of posters.' Every year a big theatre festival is held in Avignon, France. The city of Avignon turns into a big stage. The theatres already have a stage, bars turn into a stage, abandoned buildings? A stage. Even the streets become a stage. But how to promote your play? Every year on the opening Friday the walls are empty. The clock reaches 14.00. Then it begins... armed with staple guns, duct-tape and cardboard, the armies are slowly transforming the city into a battleground; trying to find the best spots possible, plastering everything with posters and flyers. But there are rules to obey: no nails or wire and no garlands above streets with traffic. It is also forbidden to post on public buildings, trees, plantations, street furniture, panels and palisades. And when the city has become a mix’n’match of colours there’s acting in the streets, dancing, singing. The festival has officially started. The war has ended.